Day 9 - Friday, October 7 - Villa Petiolo and Florence

 It was an early morning with breakfast at 7:00 and leaving for Villa Petriolo at 7:30. Traffic was pretty heavy and it took us a little over 1 1/2 hours to get there.

Villa Petriolo is a 15th century villa which is being completely reconstructed to a very luxury small hotel in the Tuscan countryside. There is quite a long single-lane road to get there which makes it interesting when there is oncoming traffic, although there isn't much. The new owners started reconstruction in 2018 and just opened a year and a half ago. Since this is an historic site, all of the buildings need to be restored under government controls for such things so it is surprising they've made progress so quickly. 

This is a "regenerative" agri-tourismo. They are trying to manage this as it was 600 years ago, with heirloom pigs, chickens, goats, sheep and crops like wheat, olives, grapes of the time. All of the food at the Michelin-star restaurant uses onsite and local produce. The animals graze in the fields to fertilize them and there is no monoculture. They use solar collectors to heat the infinity pool (this is high end) and PV cells provide the electricity for the pool. This weekend the entire facility was reserved for a wedding - the guests coming in looked like a young fashionable jet-set.

We said hello to the goats, sheep and donkeys before having a cappuccino sitting outside. Anna dipped her toes in the infinity pool.

The main reason for our being there was the cooking lesson. We made pizza and tagliatelle pasta. Fun but quite a sticky process making the dough with one's fingers, mixing flour, yeast and water for the pizza dough and just whole eggs and flour for the pasta. It was quite a process to use the pasta machine to process the dough. The chefs took care of the baking.

We went to a semi-outside area for lunch, enjoying chianti wine, pecorino cheeses and prosciutto, bacon and salami from their pigs.   This was followed by our pasta with their special sauce of ground pork, mushrooms and pistachios - this was delicious. The our pizza which was topped with pecorino cheese - most cheese in this area seems to be from the sheep. Finally, vanilla ice cream made with honey.

The trip back was much quicker, just over an hour. Ginny had Francesco stop at an overlook which has a spectacular view of Florence. There are amazing villas on the hillside on the way up and we could see much of the old Florence city wall.

My Fitbit recorded over 6000 extra steps from the bus ride - must be the bumpy ride combined with moving forward!

After a bit of resting at the hotel, we checked out the location of the train station and walked to a bridge west of the Ponte Vecchio so we could see it at sunset. Then pizza at a local restaurant.

Carmen and Anna at Ponte Vecchio

Anna making pizza

Florence from overlook


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